what we offer


We offer a wide range of services to our clientele. We do not want to assume what they need, but meet them and hear from them. That is why Streetwork is a crucial and core part of what we do. Nevertheless our aim is to go to the women, which is why we have a pre-selected number of services that we want to share here:

  Street Work

  • Giving informational material and occasionally gifts to the women

  • Offering support and information

  Social Counseling

  • Informing about legal conditions

  • Informing and giving advice about general health issues

  • Assistance with financial problems and issues concerning debt

  • Support in finding housing

  • Informing about health and social insurances

  • Guidance, assistance and placement in relation to information centers, public authorities and doctors.

  • Informing about laws concerning foreigners

  Psychosocial advice

  • Assistance in difficult life crisis

  • Support when exposed to violence
    Informing about physical and psychological ramifications of prostitution

  • Assistance during loss of social contacts, isolation and emotional dependencies
    Support during partner or family problems

  • Information and assistance during pregnancy and other related matters

  Target-group oriented advice

  • Assistance for women with migration background and information about repatriation and re-entry

  • Focused care for women with children
    Assistance and care for former sex workers

  Focused Case-Management
(in the event that women want to transition out of prostitution)

  • Informing about the labor market and opportunities into new working fields

  • Assistance during job applications and the acquisition of job qualifications

  • Referring to other organizations or public bodies

  • Cooperation with potential employers and support during the transition phase

  • Referring to safehomes in and outside of Germany


  • Inclusion of the women into society to destigmatize the people in prostitution

  • Stabilization of social network

  • Guide into participation in society