‘‘For me, being part of Parakaleo means meeting the women at eye level. It means accepting a "no". It means making women happy, showing interest and showing them that they are not alone. We are happy to give women small gifts. It makes me sad that women often tell us that meeting us was the most beautiful thing that happened to them during the week. At the same time, it encourages me to continue and shows me how important our work is. I am happy to make people happy! Most are very happy and talk to us. Sometimes they ask us to go to their room. This can take from one minute to two hours. Many tell us about their families at home, illnesses, worries or experiences in prostitution, for example with clients. Some women want to be left alone and we accept that.’’
-Anna, Law Student (Translated from German to English)
‘‘In the middle of this field, which is characterized by sexualization and objectification, the Parakaleo team appears, approaches the women warmly and asks them, how they are doing, what concerns them and what they need. They don't want anything from (the women), they don't base their support on expectations and they don't put any pressure on them. They see a deep value in women that cannot be limited to their sexuality. For the women, they are a reliable support full of love, mercy and patience.’’
- Maria K., Social Worker (Translated from German to English)
“In the outreach work I am always impressed with how little you can achieve so much. A friendly word, a small gift, a loving gesture ... Or simply: treating people like humans, looking them in the eyes and listening to them. Just the attitude with which we treat women is so exceptional for some, that it deeply moves them. I want to live in a society in which it is normal to see people’s humanity and treat them accordingly”