Financial Partnership
If you are interested in partnering financially please contact us at as we would love to stay in personal contact with our sponsors and investors. However, you are able to anonymously donate to us if this is preferable to you.
Since transparency is very important to us, especially in the context of financial contributions, we will give out a yearly report that will show how your donations will be used in parakaleo.
We can already assure you that every financial contribution will flow directly into parakaleos work.
Commodity Contributions / Non-Cash Assistance
We are always happy to receive donations in the form of goods. Gifts are always great door openers and therefore highly beneficial for our work. We would mainly need hygiene and basic need products, like body wash, shampoo, conditioner, pregnancy tests, condoms etc.
For our offices we are always grateful for practical donations. This could be work phones, office supplies, computers, printers or furniture.
We gladly receive all kinds of help!